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   Orthopaedic Evaluation   


  • Evaluation of posture and symmetry. We look at symmetry in posture, strength and range of movement, comparing one side of the runner's body to the other side - i.e. left to right

  • Muscle strength is tested using a handheld dynamo-meter to  compare one side of the lower limb to the other.

  • Range of movement is evaluated using inclinometers.

  • Corrective exercises are included, where required, to eliminate movement dysfunction.

   Functional Movement Screening   


  • With movement tasks related to running performance. Example A: Single leg balance, single leg squat,  front and side step from a height, reverse lunges, single leg drop. This assesses lower limb and pelvis control.

  • Example B: Single leg forward and side hops over a height and from a distance specific for the individual runner's anatomy. Single leg hop test  and triple hop for distance. This assesses landing mechanics and symmetry from left to right.

   Running Gait Analysis   


When​ we analyse the runner's gait, we do so with a view to injury and performance. Does the individual's gait place more stress on sensitive tissue and whether we can change it to eliminate pain / discomfort, and what impact such change will have on performance. We know that improved running technique improves running economy (efficiency) and performance. The sensors we are using are now being used by Kenyan runners, including World Marathon record holder Eliud Kipchoge on their training runs. (see pictures on the right) 


  • Kinematics, (motion of movement) and kinetics, (forces) during movement.

  • Movement analysed with Dartfish movement analyses of kinematics and accelerometer

  • sensors attached to running shoes, which gives data known as metrics of kinematics and

  • kinetics.







Before coming for your appointment, please Click the PDF to download the RunLab Evaluation Form. Then fill it out and email it to

Treadmill Runner 1e.JPG
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Ruuning Shoe sensor.jpg
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