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   The Runners Road Map   


Each factor is a building block in a PYRAMID.

The most important evidence-based block is the Training load management and subsequent blocks/factors are of lesser importance 1 – 7.

1. Training load management / prevent training errors which cause 60 – 70% of running injuries.

2. Strength and pre Conditioning

3. Running technique (gait analysis / gait retraining)

4. Psychosocial factors – which can lead to training errors

  • Over value high intensity training.

  • Under value low intensity recovery and rest

  • Comparison to others + social support

  • Anxiety, stress and negative life events

  • Negative thoughts and feelings

  • Exercise addiction / compulsory exercise

  • Mis-education and external pressure

5. Lifestyle habits – physical / mental

  • Rest / recovery, sleep deprivation

  • Nutrition

  • Body mass index (BMI)

  • Metabolic factors, hormonal changes

6. Running shoes – about 10% of the time the shoe is chosen wrongly. The shoe should fit the foot, not the other way round.

7. Other factors – stretching has little benefit. If limited time to train, strength training most beneficial.

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